Health & Wellness

7 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Taking Medicines

7 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Taking Medicines

Mistakes To Avoid When Taking Medicines

Medicines are taken to improve a certain health condition or illness. Whether you are taking the medications for a long-term disease or a short-term illness, it is very crucial to follow a proper prescription for taking your medications.

All the time, you should follow the instructions given by your doctor. A healthcare professional is trained and skilled enough to diagnose your health issues and prescribe you the appropriate medications. So, do whatever they say.

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Taking Medicines

Often we make several mistakes while we are under treatment and taking medicines. You might not experience the negative result really soon. However, it adversely affects your health. So, let’s get an idea about the most common mistakes you should avoid when taking medicines.

Taking Medicines On Your Own

Until and unless you are a qualified doctor, you never should take medicines on your own. You might think for minor issues, your primary knowledge about medicines will work here. But in reality, things are not being done the same way.

Only a doctor has the knowledge to identify the actual reason behind your illness and give you the actual medications you will need that will not affect your health negatively. If you are suffering from any physical ailment currently, first get your consultation from ArabiaMD, and eat your prescribed medicines.

Taking Someone Else’s Medicines

Every individual’s body is different; though you and your sister might be having the same health issues, there can be more things to be considered when it comes to medicines. So, before you think of taking your sister’s medicine, you should consult with your doctor.

You might have other health issues, or allergies, or your age that might not be suitable for the medications your sister is taking.

Forgetting To Take Medicines

In a regular busy schedule, you might forget to take a dose of your medicine. You might think that missing only a single dose doesn’t matter much. Actually, it is important indeed. Set the alarm on the time when you need to take your medicine.

Or in some cases, you also can take medicine as soon as you remember about it after missing the prescribed time. Doctors often advise you to take medicine whenever you get reminded of it.

Increase The Dosage

Medicines take time to offer the desired result. Therefore, when your doctor has asked you to take a single dose of the medicine, you should always only stick to a single dose.

Just because you are not experiencing any considerable results, that does not mean you need to increase the dosage. On the contrary, the increment in the dose might end up making your condition worse or leave side effects.

Skipping Dosage

Do not skip your dosage of medicine just because you are feeling okay. Instead, trust your doctors and their knowledge. He knows what is best for you and how long you are required to continue your medications.

It is really great that you are feeling well, and your sickness has gone away, but still, you should follow your doctor’s instructions and take the medicines regularly without making any gap. In case you cannot swallow the pills, and this is your actual reason for skipping the dosage, you can use a medication swallowing gel.

Stop Taking Medicines

There might be some instances when you might feel great after taking two or three doses of your medications, or you might be experiencing any allergic reactions or other minor issues.

In that case, consult with your doctor immediately. But at this point, what should not be done is stop the medicine without informing your doctor.

Mixing Drugs Incorrectly

When you do not have a single idea about medicines or drugs or so-so ideas about them, there is no need to place the role of an experienced doctor and mix one or two drugs. Two or more drugs can react with each other and can make you sicker.

If you are facing several health issues simultaneously, tell everything clearly to your doctor and ask for an expert’s advice.

Take Proper Medications

Follow your doctor’s instructions properly and stick to the medication schedule the healthcare professional has suggested to you. As you are not a qualified doctor, you will not have the expertise in that field. So, take your medicines properly and get well soon.

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