Health & Wellness

10 Post-Detox Tips For The Holiday Season: By Recovery Experts

10 Post-Detox Tips For The Holiday Season - By Recovery Experts

Post-Detox Tips For The Holiday Season

You just recovered from an addiction?


Yes, the feeling of a detoxed body and mind is the ultimate freedom, and you should enjoy it. But, at the same time, are you nervous about the holidays approaching?

It is normal!

During the holidays, commercialization reaches its peak, and toxic substances like alcohol, drugs, and tobacco are also a part of the parcel.

Every place you go will have an endless supply of alcohol, and how many should you say no to.

However, there are ways you can protect your sobriety and prevent this anticipation. After all, one glass or one puff is not worth the months of detoxification and going through withdrawal symptoms.

Stay away from the term ‘moderation’ because before you know it, you will be in the same place as you were before.

If you fail to keep your calm and find yourself relapsing, ask for professional help before it is too late.

Not sure where to get help? You can try it out here and get the best therapy for post-detox anxiety.

Why Do You Feel This Way

There are reasons for you to feel this way, and it is common for everyone who has just completed a detox program.

So, stop feeling like you are the only one and you have failed in your recovery. All you need to do is understand the reasons.

  • You are seeing everyone have fun, and suddenly the good part is flashing back. ‘If they can be all right after having two glasses of wine, why can’t I?’ Remember to think about the bad parts whenever you start having feelings like this.
  • It is hard to find delight when you see everyone enjoying themselves without it. So whenever you have these thoughts, just befriend people who are absolutely okay to have fun without the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • You are mixing with the wrong crowd who do not understand your dilemma constantly. The solution to this is very simple; you need to find a new crowd for this holiday season.
  • Maybe everyone is not aware of your situation, and they simply do not understand. You do not have to be ashamed of it. Rather it is a moment of pride, and you should flaunt your sobriety like a hero.

There are ways in which you can avoid these situations, and the first suggestion would be to never justify your consumption.

Post-Detox Tips For The Holidays

Here are some of the well-known tips that you could incorporate this holiday season to uphold your sobriety like a boss.

1. Don’t Believe In ‘Moderation.’

The biggest mistake that you can make in this holiday season is believing in ‘moderation.’ If you have just embarked on the new journey of sobriety, think of these substances as poison

Your goal is to completely stay away from them and justify your consumption by making it look like it wouldn’t affect you. One glass will lead to fifteen, so be careful.

Talk to a sober coach if you find yourself relapsing!

2. Try To Have A Quiet Holiday

If you cannot handle the social pressure, try having a quiet holiday. Then, your true friends and family members would understand your situation.

Take a solo trip if you want to, or just stay in and enjoy the season in solidarity. Now, you will have control over all the things you can and can’t do.

3. Talk To People About This

Don’t keep everyone in the dark

Your close ones would want to understand your situation, and they will be supportive. They might even go the extra length and tweak their parties in order to make things comfortable for you.

You will discover that there are people who really care about you.

4. Continue Therapy

Do not stop your therapy after the recovery.

Professional help is always required when you find yourself craving and relapsing. The therapist will help you understand the different triggers and give you tips on how to stay away from them.

5. Stay Away From Triggers

Triggers are generally places and situations which make you want these addictive substances more.

Try to avoid situations that can mess up your mental health. Because with poor mental health, you won’t be able to uphold the determination to continue your sobriety.

6. Stay Away From Peer Pressure

Run the opposite direction if you find yourself mixing with the wrong crowd. These are people who fail to understand your struggle and keep on peer pressuring you.

In fact, we would suggest it is high time you cut these people out of your life because they are not worth it.

7. Befriend New People

If you find yourself short of a social group, do not worry!

You can always befriend new people. These people also plan to stay sober, and you wouldn’t have to worry about controlling yourself around them

You are allowed to have a toxin-free social gathering.

8. Have A Success Sheet

Keep a log for yourself, for each day you are maintaining your sobriety in this holiday.

Give yourself a goal and once you accomplish this success rate, treat yourself with something exciting, like a pair of shoes or simple ice cream.

Now, you can be excited about your sobriety challenge!

9. Prepare For Social Gatherings

If you are planning on going to a social gathering where you know people will be smoking and drinking, prepare yourself.

There is no substance on the earth that is stronger than your willpower.

10. Build New Traditions

If drinking was a tradition before, who said you couldn’t build yourself new traditions?

Make it a tradition to make homemade gifts this holiday or bake a pie with your family. The key is to find happiness in other activities.

Happy Holidays!

There you have it!

Ten excellent suggestions that can help you maintain your sobriety this holiday season. It might seem like there is no fun without these substances, but it is far from true.

There are so many new things to enjoy, so how about you find them!

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